In a global context of energy transition towards a low-carbon society, each stakeholder faces an arduous challenge to achieve safety, performance and innovation ; all the while complying with governmental standards to provide the best time to market.

With 45 years experience in Virtual Prototyping, ESI Group provides qualified digital solutions and high-added-value expertise to help its customers address these strategic challenges.

Watch the energy webinars below to find out how the nuclear industry is transforming and get an exclusive view at how the engineering simulation is essential to overcome the challenges faced by this industry. 

Virtual engineering, a lever for the economic performance of projects in the nuclear sector

Ensuring operational excellence and maintaining the necessary skills, these are the objectives of the France Relance plan for the nuclear sector. In this context, Nuclear Valley the competitiveness cluster and ESI Group jointly present the specific support and available solutions.

Watch this recording to learn more about technological innovation dynamic and the deployable virtual prototyping solutions capable of generating predictive physics modeling to meet those objectives.

Presented by Arnaud Bougard - Account Manager Energy, ESI

Guillaume Tremblay - Technical Director, Nuclear Valley

In collaboration with  logo NuclearValley

Capture NuclearValley ESI Webinar

Recording available in French only

Virtual Reality : a Solution for Building, Maintenance or plant Dismantling

nuclear cap VR 0

Virtual Reality has become essential in order to address decision making challenges. It allows engineers and interdisciplinary teams to explore, validate and solve complex integration, assembly and service scenarios at the intersection of product function and human interactions.

Based on advanced VR technology, ESI IC.IDO, a human-centric virtual reality solution, provides a true virtual prototype, based on real-time physics, simulating interaction with the real world and allowing unlimited testing.

Framatome, leader of the nuclear sector and user of ESI IC.IDO, presents in this video the use of this industrial solution through a use case specific to the nuclear sector.


 Presented by Nicolas Fromont - Presales Virtual Reality at ESI France

In collaboration with   

Efficient design review, certification and safety support

Initially developed by Framatome to justify the maintenance of nuclear islands, ESI solutions for the energy sector have been continuously enriched over the past 20 years. Today, these solutions allow component designs to be pre-qualified in accordance with nuclear industry regulations, such as ASME, RCC-M, etc. from the design stage, through to on-going operations until dismantling.

With this replay, learn more about effective solutions to meet the challenges of standard regulatory analysis and justification of default.


Presented by Sandrine Dischert - Domain Leader Energy at ESI Group
& Pascale Goussard - Technical Referent for Nuclear Energy at ESI France

Efficient dESIgn review ESI

Transformation towards the Industry 4.0 with Hybrid Twin and model reduction

HybridTwin ESI nuclear

ESI Group has developed a unique know-how in Virtual Prototyping which addresses the operational performance of the product throughout its life cycle.

The creation of a Hybrid Twin coupling a simulated physics-based model with a specific model built from data received in real time, makes it possible to create and pre-certify intelligent products, to predict their performance and to anticipate their maintenance needs in the transformation towards the factory of the future.


Presented by Henri Païs - Innovation Domain Director at ESI Group

Optimal manufacturing process qualification

Moving towards the Factory 4.0, the utilization of virtual simulation tools and the collaboration between the physical and the virtual world are key enablers for quality assurance as well as productivity.

Through this video, learn more about the ESI qualified Solutions for Welding & Heat Treatment & Casting, illustrated through real industrial applications and showing new capabilities of predicting Vibrations, Distortions and Surface Integrity.


Presented by Gilles Croisonnier - Innovation & Discovery Machining Manager at ESI Group

Capture Manufacturing ESI

Meet the Speakers

Nicolas Fromont

Customer Experience, Virtual Reality engineer (IC.IDO)

Henri PAÏS

Innovation Domain Director



Technical Expert in the Machining Domain


Sandrine Dischert

Domain Leader Energy