Co-Design for Casting - A bridge between Product Designers, Buyers & Manufacturers

The product design department has a crucial task to anticipate various design criterias within the design constraints imposed to arrive at a targeted product design, before crystalizing them into ideas and taking them further to build concepts which are passed on to build prototypes and finally the desired product.

What if the product design team already had the information of the manufacturing process characteristics and constraints to producing high quality products? This would maximise the efficiency of the product design team, allowing them to create a product design that doesn’t run into iterations because it did not consider the manufacturing know-how at the design qualification stages.

The Co-Design Module in ESI-ProCAST will help product design teams draw the best possible designs that get manufactured in the best possible way, avoiding numerous iterations back and forth between Product Design & Manufacturing teams

Additionally this enable engineers to better understand the critical locations on the product per desired specifications. Hence assessing the risks and communicating this information to the foundries. Ulitmately allowing foundries to address these risks in advance, and account for this in their costing and project execution.

Key Topics & Webinar Preview

  • Reduce product design issues that typically arise when the manufacturing constraints are unknown
  • Improve the manufacturing in terms of Castability with optimal costs, lower defects and high lead time
  • Make better design choices identifying manufacturing risks and difficulties


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