Develop an Innovative & Sustainable Vehicle with Composites

12 February 2020 - 13 February 2020

DATE: February 12th & 13th, 2020
TIME: 12pm ET (Eastern Time) & 11am (CET - Paris Time)
LENGTH: 30min

The transition from combustion engine vehicles (CEV) to battery powered electric vehicles (BEV) generates substantial challenges for the design process.

The absence of supporting sub-structures, like the engine, as well as the diversity of battery configurations can cause a significant change in the vehicle mass. By coupling metal structures with composite materials, it allows for more flexibility in the design, all the while remaining cost-efficient and compatible with mass production. To ensure a reliable mechanical designs, it is fundamental to have a detailed knowledge on the impact of the manufacturing process on the structural performance.

With End-to-End simulation techniques, cover the entire design process from the manufacturability to the structural analysis, ultimately allowing engineers to develop innovative, performant and cost-efficient EVs.

Join this 30-minute webinar to experience how virtual prototyping can help to develop novel hybrid structures that meet both the performance and the economic requirements.

Key topics

  • Analyze the impact of the manufacturing process on the structural performance
  • How to efficiently model hybrid structures
  • How to develop a virtual design process that helps reduce development times


Dr.-Ing. Sebastian Müller

Team Leader Composites Engineering Solution

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