Deliver Safe, Clean, Productive Machinery & Equipment

Digital Event | Now Accessible On-Demand

Listen to focused discussions on deploying digital technologies to meet the highest quality requirements and lifetime performance for the toughest usage conditions. Gain insight from industry leaders on virtual prototyping solutions to achieve greater levels of industrial efficiency, quality and product performance. Watch a live demonstration on human-centric product and process validation to ensure worker safety & productivity ​​during product operation, assembly & service with advanced Virtual Reality.


Dr. Harri Kulmala



Gian Luigi Di Lodovico

Head of Engineering Solutions, KONE
Towards an Enhanced Digital Twin for Predictive and Prescriptive Maintenance of Elevators & Escalator – Sustainable success with customer


Jonas Ljungsten

Product Management Director, PTC Sweden AB


Suresh Patra

Senior NVH Engineer, Volvo Trucks
Method to Evaluate the Acoustic Performance of the Pillar Filler Foam in a Truck Cab


VR Demo: Human-Centric Product & Process Validation

Safe & Productive Human-Centric Operations

Break the silos between design, manufacturing, and maintenance. Decrease lead times to meet the start of production, at controlled quality and cost. See how to validate product integration early in a human-centric way. Understand with confidence, that by integrating human interactions thought the product development lifecycle, is the way forward to predict and mitigate risk to assure delivery of Safe, Reliable, and Sustainable machinery.

Access our Human-Centric VR Demo and better understand
how to:

  • Anticipate and optimize human interactions, to protect worker safety and increase productivity while ramping-up production
  • Develop human-centric maintenance processes early on to secure, speed up and decrease the cost of maintenance
  • Identify Product Integration and Packaging issues through application of Immersive Reviews


Peter Larsson

Senior Director, Industry Strategy


Eric Kam

Marketing Solutions Manager, ESI Group



ESI Live Heavy Machinery 2021

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Image copyrights: ABB, Technical University Chemnitz, Uraca, Debove Sophie (istock), Iuliia Korniievych (istock)