GALM-Manufacturing-Innovation 2020 - Virtual Live Event
Lightweight Materials Joining, Forming and Manufacturing Innovation
Reducing Cost in BEV and Hybrid Manufacturing Including Industry 4.0 to Incorporate Flexible Platforms & Variable Production Volumes

Transportation has begun a fundamental shift from the combustion engine into the next era. With the help of ESI's Virtual Prototyping software and services, automotive OEM's and suppliers are adjusting their mobility solutions to better match market expectations. ESI accompanies them in the design, manufacturing and testing of their assets - all virtually - displacing physical tests and prototypes.
From testing new vehicle concepts to balancing the need for energy efficiency, performance, safety, and comfort, delivering high-performance batteries that exceed expectations, or finding the most efficient, lightweight mix of material for each component.
ESI presents on August 25 - 10:25 am (EST):
Advances in Engineering and Manufacturing Process Modeling and Assembly Simulation For Faster Vehicle Launch in the Market at Lower Cost - Enabling a new generation of lightweight, flexibly assembled ICEVs, BEVs and PHEVs with leader-in class quality"