IC.IDO Demo Days | Germany, Munich

4 六月 2024
Germany, Munich

Join one of our half-day workshops in Munich (June 4) to learn more about ESI's XR solution IC.IDO and how it can help you design & build safe, productive, and sustainable human-centric operations.

Safe, Productive, and Sustainable operations:

  • Using real-time physics for hands-on exploration and discovery. Have physical interactions with new product concepts and virtually perform the processes required to make and maintain them
  • Break down silos between design, manufacturing, and maintenance
  • Integrate human interactions throughout the product development lifecycle
  • Respect program deadlines
  • Connect simulation processes to the PLM backbone Digital Thread


Register Now!

Experience products in an immersive environment:

  • Realtime Product integration, packaging & clearance
  • Realtime cable & hose simulations
  • Component installation & Removal with real-time physics
  • Tool and mechanism behavior
  • Virtual and Mixed Reality tryout environment

Conduct Human-Centric Process Validation workflows & immersive product integration:

  • Evaluate, Validate, and Optimize assembly processes, Assembly bill-of-material, eBOM, eBOP planning and validation
  • Ergonomics analytics w/ RAMSIS

Host Collaborative Virtual Workspaces for Human-Centric Process Validation workflows & immersive product integration:

  • Flexibly collaborate with groups of (immersed) participants via Streamed Virtual Reality with IC.IDO CoLab

"A Human Centered Path to Collaborative Virtual Reality” 

Experience IC.IDO on CoLEDWallLite, the two-user Powerwall from Fraunhofer IAO


Join us and meet with our team of experts to discuss your requirements. Register now for free and secure your place in:

 Munich (4 June)


  • True-to-life interaction with product, assembly cells & tools, and maintenance environments
  • Fast turnaround results – from data acquisition and preparation to analysis and sharing
  • Real-time collaborative decision making – make decisions and evaluate corrective actions with your team regardless of your physical location

Meet the experts!

Achim Ehrhard

Account Manager Aerospace

Laura Goldfuß

Technical Consultant Virtual Reality at ESI Group

René Wohlgethan

Sr. Customer Experience Engineer, Human Centric (IC.IDO)

Robert Nösner

Senior Account Executive

Registration for Munich (June 4)

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