Lightweight Design Summit 2021

16 November 2021 - 17 November 2021
Germany, Hybrid (Würzburg/Virtual)
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The "Automobil Industrie" Lightweight Design Summit is the top-class networking event for and with pioneers of lightweight design. The conference is the ideal platform to discuss the essential importance of the key technology lightweight design for the mobility of the future as well as cross-industry for environmental and climate protection. The event is organized by Vogel Verlag.

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Designing a Lightweight Vehicle with ESI

Optimizing performance for lightweight designs impacts all components and architectures of modern vehicles. Virtual Prototyping helps you evaluate different material options or joining techniques created early in the design phase. With virtual testing, you can spot design issues from the start, ensuring your vehicle will meet the expected safety, performance, and cost-efficient, lightweight requirements – all while shortening your design cycle.

Elevate your lightweight designs with Virtual Performance Solution

  • ESI VPS is known for its end-to-end Virtual Prototyping of structures, as it accounts for the manufacturing and assembly process for performance prediction. Having a detailed knowledge of the impact of the manufacturing process on structural performance is imperative. 
  • New features like advanced composite crash and strength models allow you to predict the rupture behavior of composite parts and their capability to absorb energy during a crash.
  • By coupling metal structures with composite materials, you open yourself up to more flexibility when it comes to design while remaining cost-efficient and compatible with mass production.
  • Using a multi-scale approach, engineers can virtually test performances of new technologies to join composite and metallic parts, ensuring optimal crash and fatigue performance. This is important as it influences the crash scenario. 
  • Since lightweight impacts NVH performance, using a single core model for all performances is key in making the right design trade-offs. Because reducing weight often means reduced structural performance, it directly impacts crash, safety & noise, and vibration & harshness (NVH) performance. The absence of precise and reliable simulations often causes engineers to adopt conservative safety margins, directly impacting weight, and therefore, global program performance. 



ESI is Gold Sponsor of the event.

Our expert Peter Ullrich will present the following topic: Integrated CAE Process for Multi-Material Joining & Assembly - Chaining from Production across Assembly to validate Product Performance on Nov 16th at 2.25 pm



Peter Ullrich

Technical Manager Virtual Performance