Making SMC decisions possible at early design phase

8 October 2020
9am CET / 4pm CET / 9am EST
1 hour

Besides their unbeatable weight performance, further deployment of Composite materials  in Automotive or Aerospace industries is limited by their overall cost & production rate. Because SMC bypass these limitations, it becomes a good candidate in the light weighting race

Going a step further, Sheet Molding Compound (SMC) is a proven technology for manufacturing non-structural parts in large production series. It is already widely used to achieve multi-purpose lightweight engineering at lower cost.

However, for its usage on structural components, engineers need to estimate local material properties induced by manufacturing in advance, at design stage. Hence making  SMC simulation possible at early stage become a must to understand and control the fiber reactions during Manufacturing and thus make proper design adjustments and validation. 

ESI PAM-COMPOSITE has integrated the SMC module in its industry proven composites simulation solution. In a single simulation, the complete SMC process is predicted accurately, starting from the forming of the charge until its compression. Manufacturing results can then be transferred in a seamless way to dynamic or static structural analysis.

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Key Topics & Preview

Key Topics
  • Take material and process decisions early in the design phase
  • Reduce the design margins of SMC parts by considering the part ”as-manufactured”
  • Optimized usage of SMC material in semi structural / structural parts
Who should attend?
  • Composite material managers
  • Process & Design engineers
  • Simulation managers
  • ESI PAM-COMPOSITES introduction
  • What is SMC?
  • What does SMC simulation mean?
  • Area of applications
  • Live demo
  • Q&A session
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David Prono

Smart Manufacturing – Composites Solution Manager