Open a shell terminal, edit the ~/.ssh/*.pub file and paste its contents in the Key entry:
If no ~/.ssh/*.pub file is present on your machine, then create a key by launching the following command:
ssh-keygen -t rsa
Press ENTER key twice and the ~/.ssh/*.pub will be created.
Open a terminal and type the following:
cd ~/OpenFOAM
git clone
To the message “Are you sure you want to continue connecting ? Type yes
A new directory “openfoam” containing the latest code will be downloaded
Rename that directory to OpenFOAM-plus
mv openfoam OpenFOAM-plus
The repositories are updated regularly to include bug fixes and new features. Retrieve the updates using:
git pull
Download ThirdParty-v1912.tgz from then type in terminal:
mv ThirdParty-v1912 ThirdParty-plus
Follow to compile the code
source ~/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-plus/etc/bashrc