OpenFOAM-v2112 - Release Webinar

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The webinar not only brings the news on the OpenFOAM release. But will also give the floor to two invited speakers:

Håkan Nilsson introduces the technical committee on turbomachinery and Miguel Nóbrega will updates on the OpenFOAM journal situation, as a number of articles are passing through the review.

The new version 2112 released in December 2021 brings a lot of exciting new functionality and extension to the existing ones. Join our webinar to learn about them. Among others, we introduce:

  • In Mesh generation it was mainly the improvements in block-structured mesh generator blockMesh and improvements in the consistency of unstructured mesh generation in parallel.
  • Further extension of the time variable values is introduced together with extensions of the expression language allowing for easier setup.
  • The pool of numerical schemes has new members for Laplacian schemes to improve the situation for cases with high non-orthogonality as well as iterative skew-correction scheme aiming to reduce the skewness error while maintaining the stability.
  • The continuous effort in the improvement of AMI interfaces has brought the implicit handling of the coupled patches reducing the numerical load during the simulation.
  • A new thin-film model has been implemented and can be used with any incompressible solvers to model shallow film on a surface.
  • For geophysical turbulent flows, a new one-equation turbulence model within a RANS closure called kL has been implemented.  
  • For VOF modeling a new option of a bubble or droplet passing through a porous region has been added.