Project completion Optemus: 40% more range for electric vehicles
Today, it is possible to maximize electric vehicle driving range, while at the same time offering cabin comfort and safety in a holistic, end-to-end engineering approach. Engineers virtually analyze and assess the interaction of all variables inside and outside of the vehicle in real-time, accurately predicting the impact on the passenger comfort. They do this by accounting for passengers’ characteristics in combination with heating, ventilation, air conditioning, battery, and powertrain plus external environment like roads conditions, traffic, driving style, and weather. Above all, once ready to be embedded as in-car software, this electric vehicle cabin model will allow your vehicle to interact live with the driver by advising them on how to adjust in-car comfort and handle hazardous situations, with confidence, for a safe journey. This is just one example of how our Hybrid Twin™ empowers you to create a truly exceptional, individual, and mobile driving experience.

The collaborative EU research project OPTEMUS has been successfully closed last July. Top experts in their corresponding fields at EU level covered the entire automotive value chain: one major OEM, three major TIER1 suppliers, leading companies in simulation, SMEs, and academia and R&D institutes.
OPTEMUS addressed the major barriers towards mass-adoption of EVs through the holistic combination of new technological developments. The introduced solutions allow reducing the energy consumption for comfort and component cooling as well as traction and thus help increasing the driving range of electric vehicles. The technologies developed have been virtually tested as well as implemented in a Fiat 500e Demonstrator Car.