SafetyWeek 2021

31 八月 2021 - 2 九月 2021
Germany, Hybrid (Würzburg/ Virtual)
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Since 2003, SafetyWeek has been held annually as a meeting place for the vehicle safety industry - without interruptions, whether times were good or bad. That's how it will be in 2021, too, and we want to give everyone in the industry the opportunity to find out about the latest developments, exchange information and network with each other. The agenda is split up in SafetyUpDate and SafetyTesting. The event is organized by carhs.

SafetyUpDate topics:

  • Legal requirements (UN Regulations, ...) and NCAP tests (Euro NCAP, IIHS, C-NCAP, ...)
  • Development tools: test & simulation
  • Development strategies & solutions
  • Biomechanics & accident research
  • Current focus topics: Safety of vehicles with alternative drives or occupant status monitoring.

SafetyTesting topics:

  • Complete vehicle crash test technologies
  • Advanced Sled Simulation Technologies
  • Measurement technology and data acquisition
  • Light and video technology
  • Testing technologies for ADAS development
  • AEB Testing (pedestrian, car-to-car, complete vehicle testing)



As a partner of carhs for many years, ESI is attending and sponsoring this event as Gold Sponsor, like in the years before.