美国陆军使用VA ONE减少地面车辆内部噪音
VA One不仅引导我们采用高效,优化的振动声学解决方案,而且还引领了评估有源噪声源控制策略的方法。
Greg KangasEngineering Project Leader / Great Lakes Sound & Vibration
Great Lakes Sound&Vibration(GLSV)成立于1996年,致力于解决声学,冲击和振动问题。如今,GLSV具有综合解决工程问题的能力,在国防,海运,汽车,越野和休闲车市场拥有强大的背景。他们的优势在于解决挑战性问题时的多样性和能力,这需要广泛的知识和综合的能力。GLSV与美国陆军坦克汽车研究、开发和工程中心(TARDEC)合作时,目标是开发有源噪声消除(ANC)系统,减少在军用地面车辆和发电机中使用的风扇和鼓风机的进、排气以及高性能风扇的噪声。

Having used ESI VA One before, GLSV knew the simulation software would be the best tool for the job. GLSV used VA One to design, analyze, and validate the development of Active Noise Cancellation (ANC) systems for the cancellation of exhaust and fan noise in all phases of the development cycle. They are developing ANC systems for low frequency (up to 300 Hz) exhaust and intake systems, as well as mid-frequency (up to 1400 Hz) fan applications. In addition, GLSV used VA One to develop and validate active control schemes, integrate the ANC system into exhaust and fan duct systems, determine the sizing of speaker components, establish how much power was required to produce anti-noise, and create optimal placement and geometry of the integrated ANC system. GLSV will continue to utilize VA One to accurately size ANC system for new applications, cutting down in development time by eliminating iterations, which equals a reduction time of roughly 75% for GLSV applications
About Great Lakes Sound & Vibration
Great Lakes Sound & Vibration (GLSV) solves challenges. Founded in 1996, we were established to solve acoustic, shock, and vibration problems and have steadily increased our capabilities to include impressive design, analysis, experimental, prototype, and low-volume manufacturing experience. We are now a multi-functional engineering company that features a strong background in defense, marine, automotive, off-highway, and recreational vehicle markets, and we provide solutions for clients in a variety of areas.
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