自動車産業においても、増え続ける需要や多様化するニーズ、押し寄せるコスト削減の波を背景に、エンジニアは限られたコストの中で、製品設計から製造、生産に至るまでのミスや非効率性を排除したプロセスの最適化や、あらゆる状況下でも安全性を保証し、同時に乗客により快適な乗車体験を提供できるような高性能で高品質な製品の開発が常に求められています。ESI Groupでは、下記のような課題をお持ちのお客様を強力にサポートしています。
ESI GroupのVRソリューションは、製品を生産に至るまでの全段階におけるプロセス評価・検証により設計・製造の信頼性を高め、設計後期での手戻りによる負荷を軽減し、開発コスト・期間短縮・品質向上を可能にします。
With Virtual Reality, engineering teams can experience, validate, and communicate on assembly & maintenance requirements in a virtual environment taking into consideration the human-centric process interactions. Ultimately, enabling realistic experience-based evaluations of proposed designs in their complete context allows for a significant reduction of future assembly risk, increasing efficiency toward production ramp-up that meets key product targets.
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What are the Key Applications of Virtual Reality Software in Automotive Manufacturing that Push your Engineering Workflows by Months Ahead of Production?

In the race to bring electric, autonomous and connected vehicles to the marketplace, OEMs are facing a difficult puzzle: increasing the efficiency of the existing transportation paradigm and getting their next-generation concepts to market faster. Automakers understand they must leverage digital solutions to accelerate the delivery of innovative automobiles, keep costs down, and avoid the late discovery of inefficiencies. OEMs like FCA, Volvo GTT, Volkswagen Brazil, and Toyota – and their extended enterprises - rely on Virtual Reality software.
How does VR software allow the connected enterprise to immersively visualize their future products and components, analyze product integration, and synthesize human-centric processes to advance their product development timelines? Let’s take a look at some concrete examples from leading automotive companies.
ESI Groupは最終組み立てやサービス保守などのプロセスに対して、人間中心の製品開発およびプロセス検証を支援するソリューションを提供しています。この没入型ソリューションは、新しい製品やプロセス開発時に発生しうる課題を、評価・解決することを可能にします。つまり、このソリューションにより、部門や遠隔地等の壁を越えたコラボレーションを生み出し、製品の製造を開始する前に、リスクの特定・評価・改善をすることができます。
Our Virtual Reality solution supports the digital evaluation of packaging and space claim, mechanism design, and interaction, whether for the product in operation or to evaluate assembly, service, and maintenance processes. Reaping the benefits of an immersive simulation with realistic physics, engineers also simulate the behavior of wiring, cabling, and hoses, on a real scale and in real-time, empowering teams to discover issues with tangling, binding, or pinching of hoses and wires to avoid interference, collision, or abrasion in operation.
Here Are Some of the Ways Virtual Reality Can Benefit You
Before you ramp up for production, how can you evaluate how many operators are required for a given operation? How do you verify how much space is needed? How do you evaluate the required process time?
Our customer Volkswagen do Brasil not only managed to develop the new Nivus in just 10 months, but they also anticipated assembly steps well ahead of production by using IC.IDO.
Plan your assembly operations early and safely, without waiting for physical mock-ups: digital human models, or mannequins, representing diverse anthropometry let you evaluate ergonomics, operator visibility, reachability, and accessibility to ensure safe and efficient assembly processes, well ahead of production.
Engineering teams validate tooling with early confidence, benefiting from realistic physics in the virtual workspace; They anticipate cell layout and optimization and make sure they reach their deadlines ahead of the start of production and ramp-up phases.
With our solution, you will be able to evaluate all aspects of operator comfort, safety, and efficiency. Once a scene exists, it will take almost no time to put on your VR glasses to validate procedures and processes with physically realistic handling of collisions between parts and obstructed installation/removal paths.
Would You Like to Learn More About Human-Centric for Automotive?
Learn more about our Immersive Virtual Reality Software to Validate Human-Machine Interaction in Automotive Design and Manufacture