Safran Nacelles uses Virtual Reality Solution ESI IC.IDO to Validate Nacelles Manufacturing Tooling

Virtual reality represents a technology of the future that will have an impact on the efficiency of our developments. The factory of the future is already here.
Nicolas LepapeVirtual & Augmented Reality R&T Project Manager / Safran Nacelles
Safran Nacelles is one of the world’s two leading aircraft engine nacelle producers. In their process of developing new aircraft programs, they realized they needed new methods that would allow them to visualize and validate their process designs – without building full-sized prototypes.
After six months of testing and benchmarking different virtual reality (VR) tools, which included exchanges with VR users at Boeing, Airbus, and Renault, they finally selected ESI’s immersive technology software, IC.IDO.
Safran Nacelles invested in an on-site two-sided “cave”: a system, 4m wide by 2.5m high. The cave was commissioned in March of 2016. Six months later, the team had already addressed more than 60 use-cases.
ESI IC.IDO creates, within the cave, a 3D, life-size image of objects and environments defined in CAD, thereby creating a virtual workspace. Users immerse themselves in the image and can then check the feasibility of an operation, validate the design of a tool or work station, and simulate work operations.
For Safran Nacelles, VR saves time and encourages evaluation of new workflows because the need for related physical prototypes can be eliminated. VR facilitates discussions between experts from different fields, allowing quick and efficient problem solving and the avoidance of late tooling revisions.

Safran Nacelles is sharing information quicker than ever before. Project managers can collaborate, on a daily basis and in real time, with all members involved a project, whether working on-site or remotely. VR allows them to get their new aircraft programs right on the first try.
Six months after the initial deployment of ESI IC.IDO, Safran Nacelles already has ten VR “super users” from different departments. This network of users shares best practices and prepares use cases within their departments. They also hold collaborative review sessions and distance learning sessions with contractors equipped with the same technology.
About Safran Nacelles
Safran is an international high-technology group, operating in the aviation (propulsion, equipment and interiors), defense and space markets. Its core purpose is to contribute to a safer, more sustainable world, where air transport is more environmentally friendly, comfortable and accessible. Safran has a global presence, with 81,000 employees and holds, alone or in partnership, world or regional leadership positions in its core markets. Safran undertakes research and development programs to maintain the environmental priorities of its R&T and Innovation roadmap.
Fore more information visit Safran Nacelles
Story release date: October 12, 2016