Toyoda Gosei Europe使用ESI集团虚拟性能仿真解决方案,缩短安全气囊研发时间
通过使用 ESI Virtual Performance Solution 的安全气囊模块进行安全气囊折叠和缝合使得开发复杂折叠式膝关节安全气囊 (KnAB) 的准确性和交货效率得到了显着提高。 除了提供先进且用户友好的软件产品外,ESI 的出色支持使 Toyoda Gosei Europe 显著改善了仿真驱动开发流程。
Alexander Diederich集团负责人 , CAE Toyoda Gosei Europe
不断变化的汽车安全法规迫使供应商在更短的交货时间内制造更好的产品。 Toyoda Gosei Europe (TGE) 面临着在更短时间生产复杂的折叠膝关节安全气囊模型(KnAB)的挑战,他们借助虚拟原型来优化安全气囊。虚拟原型须通过对安全气囊的折叠和缝纫过程进行虚拟建模来解决制造问题。 阅读更多。
Initially, TGE was creating their models using various simulation codes, which resulted in long lead times because they had to conduct iterations with code modifications and model exchanges. Additionally, they were not using the same tools as their colleagues overseas and therefore had to deal with time-consuming communication and multiple data exchange.
Using ESI Virtual Performance Solution (VPS), TGE built a detailed KnAB model with high accuracy and in less time, accounting for the airbag folding process. They were able to provide their customer with predictable simulation models for various types of crash simulations, even for Out-of-position (OOP) scenarios. Additionally, TGE investigated the robustness of the complete KnAB module as well as the robustness of single parts within the KnAB assembly early in the developmental state. This level of prediction of the simulation model has been the basis for several product decisions and improvements at TGE since the deployment of VPS.
Robustness study of protection cloth; physical test (left); with ESI Virtual Performance Solution (right).
Proven by CT scans, the accuracy of the models exhibits the high-quality achieved by the newly implemented modeling process and confirms the capabilities of VPS. Besides reducing their costs – by limiting the number of physical prototypes, increasing the accuracy of their models, and implementing a new assembly procedure – using the VPS airbag module allowed TGE to cut the time needed to build complex folded KnAB by half, while at the same time increasing the quality of their product. The team can now allocate more time to tasks that are important to their customers rather than struggling to exchange data between departments or countries.
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